
DeBlob: I see people turn their heads and quickly look away, like a new born baby it just happens every day

Not THE Blob

Released for the Wii by the company THQ, Deblob is a game involving humor, creativity, and a general abundance of color violence. Best described as a platformer, DeBlob takes you into the heart of a fantasy world called Chroma City. The evil black and white I.N.K.T. Corporation (notice that it's not called Empire, Army, or other military synonyms) enter into Chroma and start stealing the colors away from everything and begin enslaving the "colorless" citizens. Enter Blob, the round hero with his rag tag bunch of friends to save all of Chroma City from its lack of triumphant true diversity by running around and painting the town red.... and yellow, blue, orange and every other color of the ROYGBIV universe allows unless you have the good old fashioned color-blindness handicap.

DeBlob is quite a fascinating game in its delivery, simple enjoyment, with a buffet of visual and musical dishes. The controls are simple to pick up and respond quite well but the game has very minor typical camera issues found with all three dimensional games. There are simple instructions for available actions and abilities and extra quests/achievements are easily explained and plentiful. The main actions of the game are accomplished by first acquiring a color from an enemy and then roaming around applying that color to everything in sight.

The idea seems cheap and pointless for hardcore gamers, and that reason will keep this game low on the priority list next to shaving, bathing, and soaking up UV rays. For those that take a chance and play this game will find themselves enjoying quite near everything about it. The musical portion alone is done in a manner to keep repetitive sounds from being annoyances and the visuals also stay away from the little sister poking you in the eyes over and over.

The game really helps you reminisce about finger painting. The good old days of putting on a smock, and saying no to using a brush because it already took you five minutes to take your snow pants and galoshes off so you'll be damned if you aren't going to enjoy yourself before you've got to put it all back on again. Ok, if it doesn't do that it at least gives you an electronic mimicry that Jackson Pollock would be proud of.

Overall, if you want a hardcore, violent, difficult challenge of a game, DeBlob isn't for you. If you want to play a simple yet creatively made game, give DeBlob a chance as you'll be pleasantly surprised at how fun the color wheel and painting the town red can be.

Rating: 4 {-10 to 10 scale, 5+ being a must play}

1 comment:

Andy said...

I'm still getting this game as soon as I don't have to throw down 45-50 bucks for it.